Affiliate Ad Policy is an affiliate ad supported site. This means that if you buy something from a link or advertisement on my blog I may or may not receive an affiliate commission as a result.

However, your purchase will never cost you any more than if you go directly to the merchant's site (which you are free to do in any case). In some instances it may cost you less to purchase through a link on my blog, if for example I have negotiated discount pricing from a particular merchant.

I will only recommend products and services I have used myself in my own business and found to be helpful, and which I believe will help you too. In some rare cases I may recommend new product or service based upon a previous excellent experience with the individual or company behind it, or which a highly trusted source recommends to me.

In any case I will never recommend a product I don't really believe in simply for sake of earning a commission.

Stephanie Nuckcheddy

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